
Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I’ve heard this song many time, but know its name on the Movie Show of BBS, Single Board showed a short movie, and used this song as the background. Everyone may be moved when he is on a uncertain status, or be lost himself in the music.

This noon wy*4 post his memo when he was in Wuhan, I noticed that he will be 20 years old in this month. But what may I record for the memorial when I am 20 years old?

StarCraft Again

I found that life is no funny, so there is no power for me to continue, I thought that I need a game to call me up, so, the one, StarCraft, a wonder Blizzard send us, be the first choice.

But my level is too low now, nearly a computer with a low AI, sigh~

A Season full of Exams

We 4 who went to Shanghai when the mid-term exam of Database token, so we got to the top of YingYuan this afternoon for a  make-up exam. So luckily I’ve got 2 books for this exam, or I can got no more than 50 points.

There is a season full of exams, this Friday we’ll take the final exam of Operating System. Good Luck.


终于是从 ACM/ICPC 中退役了, 虽然有很多不舍和不尽人意, 但是终究也还是要离开的, 自己一直很想避免说一些东西, 等心情好起来了再说说自己退役的感觉吧, 还是有很多能说的.

现在做 ACM/ICPC 的助理教练, 不过好像也还是有非常多的事情要做, 包括利用协会做活动, 然后又反过来组织协会.

现在跳上的是另一条贼船, MCM, 美国数模. 上个星期杨竞找我说想一起组队, 然后说让我赶快确定, 咨询了一下去年参加过 MCM 的小强, 然后决定参赛, $45 (实际上是$75) 的参赛费, 三个人平摊下来也就是一个人 25 刀, 拿 TopCoder 的美元回馈美国社会好了. 今天去图书馆借了两本书回来, 用周末看吧, 现在生活还是很好安排的, 周一到周五学习, 周六看 MCM, 周日弄 ACM/ICPC 的事情.

加油, 好好努力, 不用去奢望很多模棱两可的事情, 好好做好自己才是王道.

btw: 最近更新这里的频率可能不是很高了, 随手写的东西可能更多的往 Q-zone 和 LiveSpace 上贴了.

Hard work for a Target

The Target is not the one in TopCoder, just some goals in my heart, I found that I did a lot work in the past days, and hope it be useful in the future.

Do many works in the same time made me had a little neurasthenic, I can’t sleep well in the last two days, although I’ve made enough time for sleep. Luckily these things will be over in the next week. Fighting~