
9 Days for the National Day Holiday

It must be crazy!!! Everyone air their opinions by the exclamation when we see the news that we have 9 days for our National Day holiday, which appeared on the site of Dean Office 2 days ago.

What can I do during the 9 days? The answer is very cleanly that I have no choice except staying in the Lab to training for contests in this year. My kitty has no time to relax too, Oct. 5th is the 50 years Memorial Day of their CQUMS(ChongQing University of Medical Science), so they have to stay in the campus from Oct. 3rd to Oct. 6th, sigh, there is no time for us to get-together. :(

All the guys in our room have an exciting plan. Gang’s girlfriend will come to Wuhan the next evening, then they will have a nice holiday to avoid our dalliances, and do whatever they want to. Haiyang will meet his girlfriend on Oct. 1st at Wuhan, then they will travel to Xianning where his girlfriend is learning now on Oct. 3rd, abandon us to enjoy their privately life. Mengmeng is planing to have a tour to Changsha, which is not far away from Wuhan, certainly with his girlfriend.

I’ve found that all the guys can have a nice holiday with their girlfriends, left me alone, I’m the most poor man in our room.


开学一个星期了, 感觉干了很多事情也什么也没干…
上课和以前一样, 只是会开始在老师之前通读一下课本, 照样不听, 也觉得没什么好听的.
写东西么, 在学Java, 慢慢来, 其实应该跟6k一样从后面一点开始的, 前面的太无聊…
这一段时间在专心更新space(http://whusnoopy.spaces.live.com/?mkt=en-us), 用英文, 虽然很挫, 但是也在慢慢变好吧, 希望有更多的人分享我觉得比较好的一些东西以及帮我做英文改错 :P
比赛, 继续中, 这个星期的3场练习赛做的都不尽人意, 虽然最后的结果看起来还可以. 队伍里面对策略有很大的怀疑, 做题风格上要变, 我要开始去抢杂题和DP啦, 不能让别人做了, 自己不习惯的题队友能做更好就应该及时让掉.
wish us~

p.s.强烈bs腾讯将我们队名屏蔽了一半, We are the Moonmist~

First Week

Or you can say the second week of this semester is start, anyway, days are being yesterday, we are more older.

Courses are the same, but make me more exciting, I love the poems write by the computer language.

We did a good job on the last warm up contest although we insist we could do more better, the warm up contests on last week are useful, Moonmist have many mistakes in them, so we decide to change on some field, and we all believe that Moonmist will have a good reward. We are the Moonmist~, I hope that you can hear this voice from Hawaii.

The Second Day

With not too many unusual, everyday is as same as the last years. I want myself to be more self-disciplined, do not play games or have daydreams, after all, there is the last year to stay in campus for me. Courses is still vapid, we still have sleep on classes, but, please not waste time.

Just remembered some words, first, Time Works Wonder, then, No Pain, No Gain, so, do what you considered, do what you believe it’s right.