
What is Love? and How to Love?

Google published the top search queries in 2007, in English, "what is love" is the most hot question in "what is ?" section. Here is the link: http://www.google.cn/rebang/yuedu/2007.htm. Unfortunately, I found that I really don’t know what is love now, who can tell me, what is love? I thought that I know what is love, and what is happiness, and I really do the right thing to get love, love others, and pursuit of happiness, but seems like I lost in the race, I can’t define what is love and what is happiness now. Happiness is not own much money, I have enough money now, but I felt that I lost more things. Happiness is not in a great place, work with great people, I’m working at a best company now, I still felt I’m useless, I made no valuable things ever. Happiness is? I don’t know, I can only give some answer that happiness is not.

Here is an other article that teach you how to love your life: http://howtoloveyourlife.com/dothe/rightthing/main_text.html, I think that many words are useful, although many sentence I’ve used to instruct others, maybe, I’m the real one who most need these.

到底是 Impossible is Nothing 还是 Nothing is Impossible?

今天无聊, 用 Google 搜了一下 Impossible is Nothing 这句话, 似乎更多的人赞同 Nothing is impossible, 因为这才是正确的语法, LiNing 的广告词, 果然我还是没记错. 并且在用简体中文的人看来, Nothing is impossible 传达了一种更好的态度, 而 Impossible is nothing 更多的是一种小流氓一般很无所谓的态度, 所谓的精神胜利法. Adidas 的人脑子进水了, 好吧, 我是被 LiNing 洗脑过的, 没有什么是不可能的, Nothing is Impossible.

迷惑了, 既然 Google 的搜索结果都是倾向 Nothing is Impossible, 姑且相信这个更懂英文的.

TCCC Round1B, 又是低级错误

受不了自己了, 一个简单的二叉树, 因为不习惯怎么在 TC 里用递归, 自己手动实现了个非递归版本的, 交上去做完 1000p 回头看看 500p 发现还是有个问题, 修改后交, 分巨低, 结果最后还是没过 System Test, 看了下就错了一组数据, 其实就是我发现的那个错误的加强版. 1000p 的贪心写的太弱了点, 最后过了的程序貌似也还是贪心. 还好过线了, 不过估计后面的比赛也不会有太多心情去做. 猪头啊!!! 果然好久没写程序能力下降太多.

Impossible is nothing Vs. Nothing is impossible

It seems like I’d like to use "nothing is impossible" to show that I do not believe there is something can make me to say "It’s impossible", but, there is an article to compare "Impossible is nothing" and "Nothing is impossible", as the words, maybe I want to explain "Impossible is nothing". Then, what do you think?

Impossible is nothing believes that the thing that seems impossible "is not a fact but an opinion". "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it". If we say Nothing is impossible is a ‘declaration’, then impossible is nothing is a ‘dare’. The latter conveys the courage and confidence: even for thins that may be 100% bound to failure, I am not at all afraid and I regard the possibility to fail as a thing of no account, utterly insignificant, because "Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."


Try to use English again. I’m afraid that I will be an English fool if I don’t use it for a long time.

This morning Littleken and I went to the cinema to watch TransFormer, an excellent movie, 80s’ memory. Unfortunately I remembered that I never see the cartoons of TransFormer, so, not as others so exciting. DreamWorks gave us a dreamlike movie, shows the power of Computer Graphics, and Littleken and me agreed on that it excessively showed the power of CG, but lose the soul. TransFormers are too complex to draw them, and then the ending is we can’t see how the cars transform to TransFormers, and the TransFormers all looks as the same. Anyway, it’s a good movie, a magical movie.

Tomorrow I will show some photos here, about the room of Littleken and me, and the road I get cross everyday, if it allowed, I can show some picture about my seat in the company.

Quick Challenge 2007

终于还是再回来 ACM/ICPC 队里玩, 陪大家一起玩, 继续去年的 KO Challenge, 只是改成了 Quick Challenge. 找题真是个很郁闷的事情, 现在有太多的人在 POJ 上做题了, 找一个合适的题真是麻烦, 要能在一个小时内过掉, 并且又不是所有人都能很轻松的过掉, 不能太复杂, 也不能完全弱智完全拼 APM, 最重要的是, 尽量没人做过.

前天下午开始找题吧, 随便翻了一下, Mid-Atlantic 2005 的套题里随便弄了一个出来, 看半天觉得是硬搞, 偏偏去看了下 Discuss 成了 DP, 很恶心的还不说是集合 DP, 并且给的那个递推式貌似有 bug, 错了一个小时后怒了去 POJ 上交官方标程居然都很慢, 果然全排列还是慢了. 改自己很恶心的喜欢敲的集合 DP, 顺利 AC, 0ms. 比较了一下觉得 POJ 上数据不全, 放 WOJ 上, 没人过, 然后在 POJ 上居然能卡过去, 还有在 WOJ 上 WA 而 POJ 上 AC 的, 比较了一下是最后一组数据, 有一个条件他们判错了. 无语了, 联系 POJ 的 admin, 把数据加全, 然后 rejudge, 放倒一片… 我不是故意的… 大家就当从我身上获取 rp 吧…

今天去找了个有点像计算几何的, 结果被一群人用模拟水掉… ft. 无语了. 到底是我的敏感程度不一样还是无知无谓? 异或还是数据太弱? 回头我去加强…

No Updated

Sorry for that I didn’t update this space in the last semester, maybe the reason is I’ve passed CET-6 with a poor score, and from March, I spend many times to communicate with others by English, practice to get ready for English interview. English, just a tool to get some target, not all of our lifes.
I’ve used this space as an English Blog, now, I use the blog offered by edu.cn to record some technology items, and the Q-zone offered by Tencent to record my life. Maybe I’m tired in English, as the ATC(sh) refused my intern application. Sorry to lympanda, I’m too poor to get that position.


据 SRbGa 说, 初赛的线是 18/22, 果然比我想的还要低, 看来我还是高估所有参赛的水平和对输入的判别能力了, 本来想的是第一天 30(第一题全部和第二题一半), 第二天是 40(第一题全部和第三题的暴力, 或者其他两个题).

自己的成绩有点失望, 两天都是 28. 第一天的并查集居然莫明其妙挂了一个点, 队里的其他人也有莫明其妙挂一两个点的, 奇怪, 最朴素的并查集加所有时间点查找, 怎么会出问题呢. 第一天去水的那个题还是如愿以偿的拿到了 10 分, 估计是个人就能拿到吧, 只要不犯常识性错误. 第二天的第一题居然挂了 2 个点, 真是没天理, 那么 easy 的题, 难道真的我哪个输入输出没弄好? 或者是 Error 没处理? 第三题的暴力过了 8 个点, 不过有人随机化居然过了 13 个点, 更加没天理, 果然随机化暴力才是王道…

本周六复赛, 好好加油吧, 希望能进决赛, 不过似乎按自己现在的状态和实力还是基本没戏.

百度之星 2007 初赛

两轮, 都只做了一个半小时的样子, 很久没写代码做不下去, 同时发现自己做模拟题的能力越来越弱了.

第一场, 事后想想觉得比较靠谱的理解是第一暴力并查集, 第二预处理后二分, 第三暴力记忆化搜索, 第四据说直接连起来就可以, 觉得可以做第一的全部, 第二的前五个点, 第三的暴力可以写, 估计能过一半以上的点, 第四写个挫点的也能过至少两个点, 编码速度太低了, APM 不及巅峰时刻的 1/3, 自己就写了第一和第二的前五个点, 然后在快 11 点的时候从机房撤退, 提前交卷, 第一题花在输入处理上的时间太多, 后面的时间没仔细看第四导致错过了这个简单题, 而第三的暴力也还是很要点时间的, 情况太多.

第二场, 算法都还比较清晰了, 第一模拟, 经典简单题, 估计要注意的是判输入错误, 第二直接模拟估计就可以了, 注意写好一点, 第三我觉得是 DP 流, 或者有很多条件的记忆化搜索, 第四, 字符串 Hash 加字符串匹配了. 自己写了第一和第三的暴力搜索, 第二和第四都嫌太麻烦了, 加上机房的网络, 连网页都打不开… 还剩半个小时的时候从机房撤回宿舍, 打开后直接提交了.

从去年的情况对比今年来看, 觉得第一天的线不会超过 30 分的, 个人比较倾向 25, 第一题 20 + 第二题前面点, 看第二题点的分值分布, 但是如果考虑上第四题的分, 或许 50+ 也说不定. 第二天估计会在 50 分左右, 就是第一题全分, 第三题全分或者二四的半分. 1w+ 进 400, 也不知道到底能做到多好.

Noah 的 web 美工基本完成啦

做了几乎一寒假的美工, 终于在昨天晚上最终搞定 admin 组件的页面美工, 修复了几个在页面文件上就可以修复的小 bug, 其他没改什么, 主要还是视觉效果

看看这个星期如果有空, 跟 KO 说的一样把去年个人赛的题挂上去, 4 场比赛还是可以做热身的, 顺带熟悉一下系统, 免得今年比赛时出问题